by Emily Mukherjee | May 25, 2024 | Emily Mukherjee
One step forward, three steps back: Messy explores the daunting reality of leaving the uni bubble and moving home. It feels like no time ago at all that we were all silly freshers, playing ring of fire with random huddles of other nervous 18-year olds, and ending our...
by Jess Whitaker | May 25, 2024 | Grown Up Sh*t, Jess Whitaker
Yes, we may only be twenty somethings, but that absolutely does not mean we should be taking sh*t from our boss. We’ve all been there. Your phone pings and you see your boss’s name staring back at you from your home screen. Your heart sinks, as your mind races...
by Rebecca McPhillips | May 25, 2024 | Convos With Clever Clogs, Rebecca McPhillips, Topic Cluster - Careers
Do you love the live music scene? Do you love the idea of being a photographer? Have you always wanted to make a living by capturing the golden moments of your favourite events? Messy tracked down and interviewed a touring photographer and asked him our classic 10...
by Emily Mukherjee | May 24, 2024 | ATM (At the moment), Emily Mukherjee, Health SOS
Messy explores the damaging impact of gym and diet trends. Trigger warning : content on eating disorders ‘What I eat in a day’ ‘calorie deficit diet’ and love island stars are lingering on for-you pages, promising that with the correct supplements, workout...
by Rebecca McPhillips | May 24, 2024 | Friends, Family & Flings, Live, Laugh, Life Stories, Rebecca McPhillips
Oscar Jacques, 26 from Edinburgh is currently best known for having portrayed Tom Tupper on CBBC’s fan favourite series MI5, but since making the life changing decision to set up a camera and film an interview with his family, he hopes to change that. In around...