Body clocks and badly timed c*cks: Why you and your partner aren’t horny at the same time

Body clocks and badly timed c*cks: Why you and your partner aren’t horny at the same time

All heterosexual couples have been there. A poorly timed erection poking you in the morning, whilst your bleeding out your vagina and your cramps make you feel like you’re about to give birth. The guilt and isolation can follow. Are you and your partner not attracted to each other anymore? Why is my sex drive so low? Why is he always ready for sex and I need about fourteen working days to even think about it? 

National Epilepsy Week: The Brink of Adulthood lost in one moment

National Epilepsy Week: The Brink of Adulthood lost in one moment

I had my first seizure at 17. As if foaming at the mouth and wetting myself wasn’t embarrassing enough, it happened in my sixth-form common room. Crushes, mean
bullies and friends watched me collapse on to the floor, shaking.

When I came around I had a suspicious wet patch on my bum and I was chatting to my sister and my friends, who were sitting on the floor with me. But my speech was slurred, my balance lost and I couldn’t remember a thing I’d said or done in the past 30 minutes. One teacher had the audacity to ask my sister if I had been drinking.

A (somewhat messy) Guide to your Twenties

A (somewhat messy) Guide to your Twenties

Traditionally, way back when for our grandparents, the purpose of being in your twenties was to find a nice partner, buy a house, have a few kids and settle down in the outskirts of a city.

Fast forward 30 odd years, for our parents, being in your twenties was about getting on the career ladder, maybe travelling far away from their parents, and getting married and start thinking about having a few spawn in the near future.

Now for us this is a supposed decade of experimenting with what you want to do with your talents, who you want to be and building a future for success.