Hongkongers in Sheffield organised a masked silent standing protest outside the City hall to support the ‘Hong Kong 47’ pro-democracy political prisoners.
Hong Kong 47 are a group of 47 pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong who face charges of conspiring to commit subversion under the Hong Kong national security law.

Protesters waved flags with ‘Hong Kong Independence’ and displayed placards with ‘Free Hong Kong’.
Organiser Clara Cheung, a former Hong Kong district councillor, said: “Today my teammates and I were here, in front of the city Hall of Sheffield having a stall and also silent standing to tell the people here about the situation of the 47 politicians being arrested for joining the primary election in Hong Kong.
“I think first of all we are continuing to get more local people in Britain to support the Parliament petition, which is really important for us to do more political advocacy for the Hong Kong people in the UK.”

Demonstrators created a makeshift prison out of black paper and wrote the names of the 47 individuals on the ground as a display of their support.
Ms Cheung said: “Today we do have a lot of pedestrians passing by. And some of them do not know too much about Hong Kong. I think this is exactly why we want to be here to pass out the leaflets, and let more people know about it.
“And also to advocate for them to support the Parliament partition to urge the UK government to sanction the Hong Kong officials who violated the joint declaration between China and Britain.”