As prices go up many are unable to afford essential items and more people across Yorkshire are resorting to shoplifting. 

South Yorkshire Police has pledged its support to the government’s new Retail Crime Action Plan ( 23rd October).

According to the Office of National Statistics, at the beginning of this month, more than half (54%) of adults reported that their cost of living had increased compared with a month ago, while 44% reported it had stayed the same and 2% said it had decreased.

Cost of living latest insights – Office for National Statistics (

 Ruby Smart, 29, Head of Communications for charity organisation Neighbourhood Watch said: 

“There certainly has been an increase in shoplifting, I think I would say as local resources come under strain, you will see an increase in crimes, shoplifting and anti-social behaviour. 

“Shoplifting is sad for everyone, and what it is is an indication of the local and national situation for people, which is that the cost of living is out-stripping income for a lot of people.”

Along with crime prevention, Neighbourhood Watch aims to support families and individuals who may be struggling with the cost of living, to signpost them to food banks and other available services in their local area.

“A healthy, happy and thriving community tends to have lower crime levels. For us, it’s really about supporting a community for life.”

Shops can sign up for Neighbourhood Watches’ community safety charter, a pledge to work with the police and other businesses to protect the community. 

COMMUNITY SAFETY CHARTER | Neighbourhood Watch Network (

As Neighbourhood Watch sees more reports of shoplifting, local food banks are also facing increased pressures.

Adam Raffell, 32, Manager of York Foodbank said : 

“In York Food Bank we saw increases in people referred to our services, starting from just after the pandemic, in November 2021.  Since that, we have seen a sustained increase.

“Last year we fulfilled 3428 vouchers, those represent about 2.7 people. If you go back to 2020 we were about 60% lower than that.”

Mr Raffell thanked the generosity of the general public in York who have donated enough items, meaning, unlike neighbouring Yorkshire food banks, York Food Bank has been able to keep up with demand.

How can you help?

The Trussell Trust has launched a campaign and petition asking UK political party leaders to ensure Universal Credit covers food and bills.

Ahead of the next general election, call on UK political party leaders to make sure Universal Credit protects people from going without the essentials. | The Trussell Trust

Items deemed more luxurious such as confectionery and biscuits, as well toiletries like sanitary products and washing detergent are needed, although Adam Raffell added that any non-perishable food items are really appreciated. 

Items particularly needed include, but are not limited to : 

-Washing detergent 

-Toilet roll 

-Sanitary products 



-Syrup sponge cakes


-Tinned tomatoes 

