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Top ten books to read in your 20s

Top ten books to read in your 20s

Your twenties are a place of discovery and exploration. Where better to learn and grow than in good book? Here is our top ten choices for books you need to read in your 20s! Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear - Elizabeth Gilbert (2010) Elizabeth Gilbert’s 2010...

Why we think gossip keeps friendships alive

Why we think gossip keeps friendships alive

In recognition of National Tea Day, instead of celebrating PG Tips or Tetleys, we’re recognising the importance of spilling the tea with your friends, and proving there’s nothing wrong with a good gossip. Gossip tends to get a bad reputation. Typically, it’s...

 How on earth do you navigate a friendship break-up?

 How on earth do you navigate a friendship break-up?

Without it being socially acceptable to block their number, scream sad songs about them in the shower or get revenge by having a glow up, how do you get over the turmoil of a friendship break-up?  It is undeniable that there is overwhelming sadness when a relationship...