Convos with Clever Clogs

10 questions with an author

10 questions with an author

We chatted to Petronella McGovern to find out what a career as an author can look like... How did you get into it? I did a Bachelor’s Degree in communication and worked in corporate marketing and business magazines. I always wanted to write novels and undertook short...

10 questions with a blacksmith

10 questions with a blacksmith

Have you ever wanted to know how to become a blacksmith? It can be tricky finding out what it's like to work in a non-office job if you don't have a role model who can provide some insight or a pathway in for you. Messy's decided to interview Jordan Kachellek, a...

10 questions with a sex educator and podcaster!

10 questions with a sex educator and podcaster!

Were you aware that one could make a living as a full time sex educator? Tatiana Ashborn is a 21 year old sex educator and podcast host, forefronting the highly followed show ‘Under the Sheets’ with her company, ‘Dirty talk’.  Messy sat down with her to ask 10...