Aaron Fox, the Steelers head coach, has released a statement following last week’s tragic accident.

Adam Johnson, Nottingham Panthers lead forward died last week when a collision lead to his neck being caught by a blade.

Ahead of the Steelers first game back where they face Manchester Storm this Saturday 11 November, Coach Fox shares support to his team and those affected by the incident.

He said: ‘’We know there will be plenty of ups and downs during these next days, weeks, and months but know that we are all in this together regardless of what colour team you support.

‘’I also know we won’t have 20 guys 100% ready by Saturday and it will take us some time to get everyone as close to that number as possible.’’

The statement comes after the announcement from the English Ice Hockey Association announcing that neck guards will be mandatory by the end of the year.

However, Elite Ice Hockey League only ‘strongly encourages’  the addition to uniform.

Coach Fox said: ‘’ It’s been very difficult and emotional getting back onto the ice for the guys but I feel like it’s been an important step and our players have shown some real strength and courage during the last few days being back inside the arena.’’