The University of Sheffield has been named a ‘University of Sanctuary’ for their work in helping students and academics flee “war, persecution, and or other disasters in their home countries”. 

Universities of Sanctuary is a network of universities across the country who provide a safe place for displaced people. 

With Sheffield being known as the ‘City of Sanctuary’, the University has made great efforts to welcome students and academics from countries ranging from Ukraine to Zimbabwe.

Sheffield was established as the first ‘City of Sanctuary’ in 2005, with the aim of expanding the movement throughout the country to make the UK a welcoming place for displaced people.

Rob Sykes, Chief Operating Officer and Chair of the University of Sheffield’s Sanctuary Steering Group, said on the University’s website: “The University of Sheffield has, and always will be, a place that is open and welcoming to students and scholars from all over the world. 

We know that we can’t solve all of the world’s crises and challenges, but we want to do what we can to try to support students and scholars who have been forcibly displaced. 

We are very pleased to be recognised as a University of Sanctuary. We look forward to learning and sharing good practice with the universities of sanctuary network as we continue this important work.” 

The University’s Sanctuary Scholarship is one instance of the support they offer, and is awarded to students seeking refuge in the UK, fully covering their tuition and supporting their living expenses.

The University also offers an international visitors scheme, which enables academics affected by war or persecution to continue their research in Sheffield for up to a year.

Aside from their work with students and academics, the University also works with local organisations to help displaced people in the South Yorkshire area.

In collaboration with the Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain, the University set up opportunities for Ukrainians in Sheffield who fled the war.

The University also worked with Student Action for Refugees Sheffield to provide computer accounts and library access for local refugees and asylum seekers. 

More information on the University of Sanctuary’s efforts can be found on their website.