Sam Cotton, Music, Rap, Up and Coming Music, London, Football, Rugby, D’Angelo, The Equaliser

In the dynamic and ever evolving rap industry. One artist is rising up to become of England’s biggest rising stars. Sam Cotton from Twickenham in South West London is quickly establishing himself as a new star in the rap scene. In this exclusive interview, I ask Sam about his humble beginnings into music, the people that inspired him to pursue his music career and where he sees himself in the future. As well as his passions in the sports world.
Sam Cotton had an early introduction to music as he said: “I was raised on good music because of my mum. She grew up in the states in the 80/90s so put me on to some special artists like D’angelo and Erykah Badu from a young age.”
When Sam was still a kid he started to go to Heatham House youth club where he started to learn his music. “I spent a lot of time at the local youth club where I formed a band and we all loved to jump around on different instruments and taught each other.
“So I ended up learning guitar, drums, piano, and bass. After the band broke up I decided to learn to produce so I could make songs of my own and here I am.”
I asked him who specifically inspired him to make the songs that he makes today and he said: “My mum inspired me through the music she would play. I was also inspired by some of the family on my dads side who are all insane musicians.
“Also the people at the youth club who were older than me – I would always look up to them and want to be as good as them.
“When it came to my own music, it was my friends who pushed me to pursue it. The late nights freestyling in the park during lockdown – they would tell me I should try properly and they supported me all the way. As well as love I got from TikTok.
“In terms of musicians I have always been inspired by Mac Miller for his versatility and song writing and want to make music in the same way.”
What is clear to see was how much Sam’s close circle means to him in the ways he got inspired by his family, in the way he got introduced to music, as well as his friends who encouraged him to pursue his career in music.
Sam released his first tune ‘Rules’ in 2021 which has 200,000 listens on Spotify and Sam hasn’t looked back since releasing 5 singles and his ‘Afters at 109’ Ep since his debut track including his latest tune ‘Prayer’.
I asked if Sam had played any gigs yet and he said that he hasn’t as an individual artist yet, but did as part of his old band. He said: “back in year 11 at the youth centre, they let us use their venue and all our close friends came down to support – we had almost 200 people! It was an amazing night, one that made me want to pursue music forever – shout out Heatham House!”
However Sam is having his very first gig at The Grace in London on July the 18th.
Just like his close circle, Sam gives a lot of credit to Heatham House for his success for his career from his early days of learning instruments to giving him a platform to perform.
As an artist that is on the rise, I asked Sam what has been the difficulties of being an up and coming artist. He said: “Staying consistent. There’s many difficult things an artist has to do now to try and make it: music, content, performances etc.
“Staying consistent at all these things is hard as you don’t always see the benefits so quickly, but with patience they come.”
Sam has had an incredible rise so far in his 4 years that he has become a producing artist, but he has loads planned for the future. His aspirations are to have a new EP out soon as well as to “hopefully support a tour or have my own and then go on to world tours and the charts!”
It’s inspiring to see Sam start from humbling beginnings of South West London to starting to become a recognised artist is something special to see.
Now it would have been rude not to ask Sam about sport and he said: “Love me a bit of football, i’m a Brentford supporter as they’re local and all my mates support the. Come on the Bees!”
However it isn’t just football, Sam said: “I’ve also recently started playing a bit of tennis and also sneaking onto some of the local courses to try and play golf. I am terrible but I will get there eventually.
“My dad is a big rugby guy so he always wanted me to be his rugby prodigy but that never happened. Sorry dad!
“But I do love watching Harlequins and England play.
Also very gassed for the Euros this summer, Come on England!”
I don’t think Sam’s dad is going to care that he didn’t become England rugby’s next Marcus Smith as he is predicted to become one of England’s biggest rappers instead.