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Charity’s bid to make city ‘plastic-free’
Action on Plastic hosted a market event as the latest step towards their 'plastic-free' city dream. The charity hopes the event will encourage people across Sheffield to reduce their use of single-use plastics that greatly contribute to plastic pollution. Greg Hewitt,...

Market raises hundreds for local food bank
A pop-up market in Hillsborough has raised £235 for the S6 Foodbank. This comes after the S6 Foodbank stated that one in five local children, and 42,200 local adults, were declared to be in a food emergency from April 2023 to March 2024. The organisation supports...

“The Vanilla Gorilla” raises thousands for Sheffield gym
Former Yorkshire Regional Champion, “The Vanilla Gorilla”, has raised over £2,000 for Sheffield City Boxing Club. Callum Beardow, who was undefeated in his professional career, took on the Oulton Marathon on November 24 to help “soften the blow” for the club during a...

Women’s safety shunned in budget announcement
Sheffield Women’s Aid has pushed for a commitment of £2M from the government following the recent budget announcement. The charity has urgently called for specialised and dedicated funding to ensure that organisations are well equipped to deal with the demand of women...

Food banks face supply crisis this winter
Food banks and donation services across Sheffield have been under immense pressure as a result of the escalating cost of living crisis and increasing homelessness rates in deprived areas of the city. Sheffield S6 Foodbank’s annual report revealed that they provided...