
Charity rewrites narrative on epilepsy with bold six-year plan
Sheffield Epilepsy Action (SEA) launched their ‘Without Limits’ six-year strategy this week, targeted at improving the standard of living for sufferers, raising awareness of the condition, and improving access to support. According to Epilepsy Action research,...

Charity rewrites narrative on epilepsy with bold six-year plan
Sheffield Epilepsy Action (SEA) launched their ‘Without Limits’ six-year strategy this week, targeted at improving the standard of living for sufferers, raising awareness of the condition, and improving access to support. According to Epilepsy Action research,...

Sheffielders save lives by running miles for Movember
The first ever 'MoRun' event in Sheffield has raised over a thousand pounds for men’s mental health awareness month. Dave Krangel, 53, the Director of MoRunning, from Surrey, said: “Our goals are to get people focusing on their health and mental wellbeing. If we stop...

Sheffield delighted with 28% reduction in anti-social behaviour
There has been a significant decrease in incidents of anti-social behaviour (ASB) across the 48 key hotspots in the region. South Yorkshire Police have credited the 28% decrease to the introduction of highly visible patrols as part of a problem-solving based policing...

VIDEO: Violence against women declared ‘national emergency’ in the UK
Hundreds of students, parents and children marched through the streets of Sheffield this week to highlight the ongoing issue of violence against women. Sheffield Hallam Students’ Union held the “Reclaim The Night” march around the city centre on Monday 25. It took...

Crime fighting boxing club knocked out of Sheffield building
Arbourthorne's only free boxing facility, that prevents children from falling into gangs and crime, is facing permanent closure after being “booted out” by the headteacher of a local school. Aspire Box were based at the Sheffield Inclusion Centre School on Spring...