Members of the Shiregreen community have voiced concerns over dangerous fireworks.

A Shiregreen resident, who wishes to remain anonymous, said: “Youths have been firing fireworks at our houses and cars.

“This has occurred for three consecutive nights at random times around the estate, with some instances lasting up to fifteen minutes at a time.”

The resident emphasised that they believe this irresponsible behaviour is intentional: “Absolutely they have the intention to intimidate others without regard for the safety of people, buildings or animals. It’s beyond a joke when you are firing multi- shot fireworks at someone’s home. It sounds like a war zone.

“To the people who are setting them off, I would like them to think about their family and if it was returned to them, how would they feel?”

Many other Shiregreen residents have shared their distress about fireworks being let off towards their property. 

Another resident said: “It’s far too easy to access fireworks and I think they’re getting into the hands of the wrong people. Some older people I know in this area are really scared of damage being done to their property. I don’t know what advice to give them.”

South Yorkshire Police has put out a statement about the impact of irresponsible firework use: “Used irresponsibly, fireworks can cause damage to property and do significant harm to people and animals. Not only is there a danger from fireworks exploding, they can also pose a serious fire risk as well.

“This is why members of the public may only use fireworks on private property, such as their back gardens, and only licensed professionals can use them in public places.”

For more advice about how to enjoy fireworks safely, visit: Fireworks | South Yorkshire Police