Some residents have voiced concerns about potential noise disturbances and anti-social behaviour due to the proposed extension of closing times.

Green Dragon pub on Cote Lane hopes to extend operating hours on Fridays and Saturdays until 2AM and change licensing conditions.

If approved, the pubs will host live music indoors until 11:30 PM on weekdays and 1:30 AM on weekends, while serving alcohol from as early as 8 AM.

Joy Hardy, a local, said: “I wouldn’t like that! Is it really necessary in a residential area?”

Jason Leaver said: “It’s a very sparsely populated area, is there a demand for this sort of thing in this quiet village?

“I would have thought a traditional pub style would be more in keeping with the area, a lot of elderly people live here, so where is the late-night trade going to come from?”

On the other hand, some residents have voiced support for the pub’s proposal. Vanessa Britton, a resident said: “A local pub just trying to do its best, credit where credit’s due!”

The application outlines new safety measures, including the installation of a CCTV system, enhanced staff training, and the implementation of a Challenge 25 scheme.

A report to Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council’s licensing board states: “A noise management plan has been submitted by the applicant’s solicitor, but no agreement has been reached with regards to it being conditioned to the licence at the time of writing this report.

“The objectors are still very concerned about the noise and anti-social behaviour that they believe will occur with the later opening times especially when the premises are open until 2am.”

The council’s statutory licensing board will meet on October 22 to hear from the applicant and objectors and make a decision on the licence variations.

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